Monday, January 31, 2011


OK!!!!! So here's the story, I am a very weight conscience and always have been, I was an overweight pre-teen and have always gone up and down since.  When I had my first son I was 130 pounds at 5' 10" and exercised like crazy after I had him to go back down and although I def dropped the weight my body changed, ok I can handle that. WELL about 3 years ago my weight went up to about 170 and needless to say it was a result of poor eating and drinking ( I'm Italian I have wine with EVERYTHING!) I became pregnant with my second child 16 months ago and was determined to shed my baby weight and reclaim my figure and I DID!!!! I joined Ladies Workout Express ( like Curves) and totally cut all forms of junk from my diet ( except the VINO) I went down to about 145 and really felt proud and healthy. Well my gym has closed, going on about 5 months now and the holidays werent all that successful in the dieting department and I'm totally feeling the aftermath.  I feel my clothes getting tighter and the scale, enemy #1 is telling me I've gained 10 pounds!!!!!!! I'm so disappointed in myself! I've decided to buckle down and get my ass in gear!!!! Luckily I was very good friends with the woman who owned the gym I worked out at so when she sold it I purchased the Execise Bike that i used all of the time for cardio and it's been sitting in my room being used as a place to throw my clothes on, NOT GOOD!!!!! I'm going for it and taking no prisoners!!!!! I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE to walk and jog, but this weather is a killer so in the mean time it's me and the Exercycle.  Ok so the exercise part is out of the way, now for the food!!!! I need help in that department.  I love to cook and do it almost, if not every night but I have kids and a hubby who arent really open to all my healthy recipes.  If it's not covered in cheese thet dont want it!!!  I've always toyed with the idea of weight watchers but am scared that the food is sub par, UUUGGGHHHHH what to do........

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