Friday, February 4, 2011


   Who else is totally thrilled it's FRIDAY?????  I have to say this week was a long and tough one, but come 4:00 I'm off to pick up my lil man from DayCare and then heading home to begin my weekend! Tonight I would very much like to go to dinner with the Mr. but where is the question.  I've noticed as of late we're in a "funk" with our dining choices.  You know how it is, you find a place that you like and is close and convenient and it becomes habitual.  I want something a little different, something sassy, modern, but not too crazy where I'm scared to try the food.  As I've mentioned I'm Italian and love to cook all of the traditional dishes I grew up with so I try to stay away from too much Italian Cuisine when I go out.  I LOVE Spanish and Asian food, but am really not to "risky" on the food front, I like what I like and again stick to it, BORING I know........ I do however like to hear about other peoples experiences at restaurants and their opinion of atmosphere, service and of course the food.......  I'd love any suggestions.......

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bitter Sweet!!!!

    Ok, sooooo (HUFF) I had a romantic weekend planned in Newport with the Mr. dinner reservations at One Bellvue, ALONE the whole nine and then the weather!  With this winter so far being a mess and then seeing that we are suppose to get snow AGAIN I had to be rational and cancel everything :( So now what?  Rather than pouting and letting this get the better of me I've decided to have a Super-Bowl Soiree!!! I call it that because it sounds fancy, the Mr. laughs but I'm a girly girl so let me have my fun!!!!  I sat down last night a put together a small menu of fun pickies and decided on making a few pitchers of red & white Sangria!!!! I'm not a huge football fanatic but I do enjoy the scenery as well as the commercials (spoken like a true woman), but my new couch is getting delivered today (FINALLY) and I haven't seen some of my friends in a while so WHY NOT???????  Hope it all goes well, If anyone has some suggestions for some low fat apps I'm open....

Good Day to well, whoever.....

  Good morning!!!!  I figured before I started my day I would do a little "blogging" to get the creative juices a flowing (LOL).  I've stumbled across some great Blogs on here and I really want to encourage more writing! I know I'm a little late to the blogging community but I am hooked!  It really is a great way to get inspired, vent, relate and just see what other people are doing.  I just wish I knew more about how to do it, but I'm having fun and finding this to be very therapeutic in a few different ways.  As a mother, wife, friend, co-worker, Boss, etc. this allows me my own little something special.......... Have A Great Day All!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Blues.....

I'm starting to feel a little bit BLAH!

I'm a fan of all of the seasons for everything each has to offer and the beauty they bring, but at some point enough is enough...... I love, love, love the Fall due to the scent burnt earth and the rust colors and leaves, I've always been quite partial to the change from hot to cool, that little chill in the air and Halloween.  Summer for the obvious reasons, little dresses, outdoor get togethers, staying light out until almost 9 at night, beaches, NEWPORT!!!!!! Spring is beautiful for the newness of everything, the color, flowers, the eagerness for summer to follow. Then there is good ol' winter, hmmmmmmm.  I do very much enjoy the first snow fall of the season, absolutely beautiful and of course the holidays and family, friends and food.  All in which winter embodies makes my heart smile, until right about NOW!!!!  I'm pretty secure in saying that I'm over the shoveling, rock salt, dirt and gloom.  Over my boys whining because they can't go outside. Over my husband whining because he can't get any of his work done. Over dressing like the kid from "A Christmas Story" so not stylish ( although love my Uggs!).  Seriously I need a pick me up, and that's exactly what I plan to do this weekend!!!!
     I was toying with the idea of a little weekend get away, little romance for myself and the Mr. but wasn't exactly sure of where and how with the boys.  Well after a lot of thought and surfing the internet I decided on a nice evening at The Hotel Viking in Newport!!!!  I found it to be very reasonable and the room looks stunning.  I'm also suprising hubby with massages in the room and want to make reservations at a romantic restaurant but am having a hard time selecting one.  Newport is breath taking any time of the year and to spend "alone" time with my man brings such a smile to may face, it's so very much needed.